RFP: 2025 Consolidated Plan Needs Assessment and Market Analysis + Community Engagement Services for City of Rochester, NY
/The City of Rochester has issued a Request for Proposals seeking community engagement and planning services to inform and support the strategic planning and development of the City’s upcoming 2025-29 Consolidated Community Development Plan (Consolidated Plan).
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires local jurisdictions to prepare a Consolidated Plan in order to receive federal housing and community development funding under the entitlement formula grant programs administered by HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development, such as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).
The City of Rochester is seeking proposals from qualified Consultants to fulfill one or both of the two services sought by this RFP:
Preparation of a Needs Assessment and Market Analysis
Community Engagement Services
Respondents may choose to submit a proposal for only one of the services, and doing so will not negatively impact the evaluation of their proposal. These two services are related, and may inform one another, but are not required to be conducted by the same Consultant, nor with any formal interaction between the selected Consultants if conducted separately.
The City also welcomes joint proposals comprised of two or more organizations who may each fulfill different components of the project scope based on their specializations. Consultants submitting such proposals should be prepared to enter into a single contract between the City and the prime contractor and establish subcontractor agreements with the additional organization(s).
Respondents are reminded to thoroughly review the RFP document and all associated documentation for full detail on proposal requirements. Note that all deadlines are firm and final.
These two services are related, and may inform one another, but are not required to be conducted by the same firm, nor with any formal interaction between the selected Consultants if conducted separately.
Please find the full RFP here: https://www.cityofrochester.gov/2025ConPlanRFP/
RFP Submission Deadline: May 3, 2024, by 4:00pm
Contact: Henry Fitts, Grants Management and Research Coordinator
E-Mail: Henry.Fitts@CityofRochester.gov
The Seneca Nation seeks qualified consulting firms or organizations to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study and develop a business plan, including five-year projections on profit and sustainability, for a proposed ice rink. This facility will serve as a community hub for recreational activities and as a rental space for sports teams, generating revenue and promoting wellness and community engagement.