This page is sponsored by LaBella Associates. Pictured above are concept plans for the Niagara Falls Waterfront Opportunity Area. The plan’s vision, developed through community input, shows how redevelopment of strategic sites were dependent on, and benefitted from, transportation access and waterfront proximity.
If you have a question, or would like to submit a Job Opportunity, a News Item, or an RFP/RFQ, you can email us at or use the contact form below.
As part of the 2024 State of the State and the FY2025 Enacted Budget, Governor Hochul outlined a vision for addressing New York State’s housing crisis to make the State more affordable and livable for all New Yorkers. The Real Estate and Planning Division of ESD is focused on bringing this plan to fruition by redeveloping underutilized State-owned sites to create housing opportunities.
The Village of Hamburg requests proposals from firms and/or teams to provide community planning consulting services for an update to the current Village Comprehensive Plan which dates from 2012.
The Seneca Nation seeks qualified consulting firms or organizations to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study and develop a business plan, including five-year projections on profit and sustainability, for a proposed ice rink. This facility will serve as a community hub for recreational activities and as a rental space for sports teams, generating revenue and promoting wellness and community engagement.
Introduction The Seneca Nation is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study. This study aims to assess the potential for the Seneca Nation to enter the health care market through the development and operation of urgent care facilities and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment centers. The study will guide strategic decision-making, ensuring alignment with the Seneca Nation’s vision, values, and community needs.
The Town of Kendall is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to assist in the completion of two Town-wide planning documents. The development of a Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan will incorporate the necessary steps of an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. When completed, this plan will guide future sustainable growth within the municipality, enhance the local cultural identity, and protect natural and cultural local resources.
The Town of Amherst seeks to continue a robust planning program over the next few years, requiring professional planning and design services when an opportunity or need arises. This requires highly qualified and experienced professional firms to assist with community inventory and analysis, community planning, formulation of area plans, urban design, drafting supporting development regulations, performing grant services, environmental review and report preparation, transportation/traffic analyses and economic development.
The Franklin County Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to develop comprehensive streetscape design guidelines for downtown Saranac Lake, New York.
Notice is hereby given that the Village of Bemus Point, NY is seeking to retain a professional planning and design firm and/or teams (the “Consultant”) to provide services for the development of an updated zoning code for the Village of Bemus Point. This zoning update is being prepared with funding provided by the New York State Department of State (DOS)(the “Department”) Environmental Protection Fund’s Smart Growth Planning Program.
The County of Chautauqua is soliciting proposals from qualified engineering/planning firms to provide conceptual engineering, design, and cost estimates that will be necessary to finish the remaining portions of the Barcelona to Chautauqua Institution (B2CI) Multi-use Trail. This project has a maximum budget of $85,000. All costs for information gathering, report presentation, travel, postage, and other vendor costs and other expenses, shall be identified and included in the proposed fee.
The Town of Hinesburg, Vermont seeks a consultant to model future flooding and stormwater impacts from existing base data, higher rainfall estimates based on climate change projections, and five large village-area developments that are under construction or in the permitting pipeline.
The New York Department of State (DOS) Office of Planning, Development and Community Infrastructure (OPDCI) is seeking consultant services to develop a Smart Growth Implementation Toolkit and Technical Assistance Program.
Commerce Chenango is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to prepare a Visitor Economy Plan for Chenango County, New York.
Local Program Administration Consultant for West Main Street Small Business Property Improvement Program in Rochester, New York
The Village of Warsaw, NY (Village) was awarded a grant from the New York State Department of State (DOS) to create a BOA Plan through the New York State Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) program and is seeking qualified urban and community planning consultants to provide brownfield-related, professional consulting services.
The Village of Williamsville, NY is seeking a qualified consultant/team to assist with the management and formulation of a Community Comprehensive Plan Update, as well as a review with recommendations of the Village development regulations.
The Town of Plattsburgh, New York, County of Clinton is issuing a request for qualifications and proposals for professional Planning, Zoning, Building Codes and Enforcement, Engineering, Community Development and Economic Development consultant services.
The Town of Red Hook and its Comprehensive Planning Committee will prepare an update to its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Town Law§ 272-a. The updated Comprehensive Plan will establish the objectives that the community wants to achieve, and will guide future sustainable growth within the municipality, enhance the local cultural identity, and protect natural and cultural local resources.
Notice is hereby given that the Village of Akron is seeking proposals from qualified Planning consulting firms to prepare an update to its zoning ordinance.
The Town of Livonia is interested in procuring consultant services to write a new Comprehensive Plan. The Town received a grant through the New York State Smart Growth Community Planning Program to complete the project. The total budget for the project is $100,000.