Links to Other Planning Related Websites
Planning Schools in New York State
UB is the website of the Department of Planning, School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Buffalo
CRP is the website of the Department of City and Regional Planning at CornellUniversity
Albany is the website of the Department Geography & Planning at SUNY Albany
ESF is the website for the College of Environmental Science & Forestry
Quick Links to APA
American Planning Association is the website of APA National
Capital District Planners Association is a website of a Section of NY Upstate Chapter APA NNECAPA is the website of Northern New England Chapter of APA
Metro is the website of New York Metro Chapter of APA
AOT is the website of the Association of Towns
Arbor Day is the website of the National Arbor Day Foundation
ASLA is the website of the American Society of Landscape Architects
Audubon is the website of the National Audubon Society of New York State
Bicycling is the website for Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
CaRDI is the website of Cornell's Community and Rural Development Institute
CCE is the website of Cornell Cooperative Extension
CAILaw is the website for the Center for American and International Law
CGR is the website of the Center for Governmental Research
CIP is the website of the Canadian Institute of Planners
CNU is the website of the Congress for the New Urbanism
CommunityViz is the website of the Orton Family Foundation
CWP is the website of the Center for Watershed Protection
Cyburbia is the website for the urban planning portal of Cyburbia
The American Planning Association web site sponsors a Jobs & Careers page
The Planetizen web site lists job openings on their Jobs page
Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology at Cayuga Community College, Inc. (IAGT) has Job Opportunities
The GIS Jobs Clearinghouse (GJC) has a database of GIS job opportunities