RFP: Planning and Grant Services for the Town of Amherst
/The Town Amherst, New York (Town) is a first-ring suburb of the City of Buffalo with a land area of 54 square miles, and a population of nearly 130,000 residents. Amherst is the second most populous community in the Western New York Region and the fourth largest among upstate New York municipalities. As a key community within the Region, Amherst is a major contributor to the vibrancy and vitality of Western New York. In the late 1970’s, the State University of New York (SUNY) began construction of a new university center in Amherst. The development of the University has been accompanied by private investment in office buildings, business centers, industrial parks, commercial centers, and a variety of housing choices. Today Amherst’s daytime population grows to nearly 175,000 people as 85,000 workers commute into the Town each day. Some businesses in Amherst are among the largest employers in Western New York.
The Town seeks to continue a robust planning program over the next few years, requiring professional planning and design services when an opportunity or need arises. This requires highly qualified and experienced professional firms to assist with community inventory and analysis, community planning, formulation of area plans, urban design, drafting supporting development regulations, performing grant services, environmental review and report preparation, transportation/traffic analyses and economic development. The intent of this request is to award multiple term contracts to minimize individual project-based RFP/RFQ solicitations while providing efficient and effective project delivery to the residents of Amherst. It is the Town's intent to select the top proposers to provide the best services and solutions to meet the Town's needs.
The RFP can be viewed here. Proposals will be accepted until Thursday, March 6 at 3 p.m.