RFP: Town of Aurora Comprehensive Plan
/The Town Board of the Town of Aurora is soliciting the services of a planning consultant to develop a master or comprehensive plan (the “Comprehensive Plan”) for the Town of Aurora. The Town Board recognizes the importance of a well-crafted framework for guiding Aurora’s future growth and development over the next 10 to 20 years and was awarded funding from the County of Erie to develop a comprehensive plan for these purposes.
The Comprehensive Plan is to provide a blueprint for the development, preservation and enhancement of: Residential, commercial and industrial neighborhoods; Public facilities, including parks and recreational areas; Infrastructure and transportation; Natural areas, water, and open spaces; Housing, including diversity of housing; Energy; Disaster preparedness, including a climate vulnerability assessment. This plan, with a year 2035-2045 horizon, will incorporate visions, ideas, and foresight and provide recommendations and an implementation plan. Note that, although this document does not include the area of the Village of East Aurora, this study must consider certain trends and activities within the Village of East Aurora in order to properly develop the plan. Additionally, the study should consider the external pressures from surrounding areas. The Town Board and the Town’s departments will participate in the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan. The consultant shall confer with the Town Board and departments in developing plans for the out-years.
Firms and/or teams are required to submit five paper and an electronic copy (via email to townboard@townofaurora.com) of materials that demonstrate the firm's capabilities and experience by no later than 4:00 pm on April 30, 2024, to the Office of the Supervisor at this address: Town of Aurora, 575 Oakwood Avenue East Aurora, NY 14052
Click here for full RFP and details.