Project Description: The Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakewood is seeking a qualified professional consultant to conduct a review and evaluation of current Fire/EMS facility, make a building conditions assessment, and assess potential options for expanding the current space, including updates to existing systems and any other features in compliance with NYS and Federal recommendations, mandates and law, and provide initial design and architectural services. The consultant must be qualified and experienced in Fire/EMS operations requirements and facilities planning and design, and to prepare and present a Feasibility Study and Plan to the Board of Trustees.
Submission: All proposals must be made by electronic submission to the Clerk/Treasurer of the Village of Lakewood via email to: All proposals must be received by 3:00 PM Local Time on Friday, February 2, 2024. No proposal received after 3PM will be accepted.
Review Process: Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the village Project Task Force who will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board of the Village of Lakewood will determine the applicant deemed, in its sole discretion, to be best experienced and qualified in Fire/EMS facilities planning, and award in compliance with all applicable village policy and NYS and Federal law. The Village of Lakewood reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals.
Schedule: Once awarded the consultant shall immediately commence work on the proposal. A proposed timeline outlining each phase of the work proposed, the estimated date that each phase may be expected to be completed, and an estimate of substantial completion is desired.
For full RFP, click here.
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