RFP: Village of Alden Comprehensive Plan

The Village of Alden is seeking qualified professional planning/engineering firms to facilitate the update to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 

Notice of Interest should be emailed to the Village Clerk at: smgalbraith@rochester.rr.com by March 8, 2024.  

Questions should be emailed the Village Clerk at smgalbraith@rochester.rr.com or at 716-937-9216 ext. 110.

Proposals are due by 10:00am on March 22, 2024.

Full RFP and additional information can be found here. For information on where to mail in RFP’s, click here.


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Seeking Water Leadership Program Participants

The EFCN Water Leadership Program helps enhance early and mid-career water professionals’ leadership skills and occupational knowledge. Our flexible 12-week learning experience aims to give rising water leaders the training and resources needed to face challenges of utility management with confidence. 

Upon acceptance, participants will dive into a dynamic learning experience, featuring a blend of live, interactive trainings and expertly curated asynchronous modules. Secure your spot in the EFCN Water Leadership Program and propel your career to new heights.We are currently seeking participants for cohorts in the Southwest and Midwest regions and NY and NJ.

For more information, please see our pamphlet.

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RFP: Rerelease of Request for Proposals for City of Dunkirk’s Zoning Code Update 

Rerelease of Request for Proposals for City of Dunkirk’s Zoning Code Update 

The City of Dunkirk is seeking funding to update its existing zoning code to align with the recently adopted community-driven Comprehensive Plan. The intent is to create a limited form-based code or architectural design guidelines for the downtown and waterfront districts as well as to update code provisions in other districts to attract a mix of development types, foster and encourage social diversity and integration, strengthen the City's sense of place, enhance connections and mobility options, and support job creation.

The City of Dunkirk has been awarded funding from New York Department of State in 2023 from the Environmental Protection Fund Smart Growth Community Planning and Zoning program. 

RFP can be found at: https://www.cityofdunkirk.com/bid_detail_T35_R60.php        

Deadline for Submission is March 1, 2024.

Please address all questions to: Vincent DeJoy, Director of Planning & Development at: vdejoy@cityofdunkirk.com                


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RFP: Comprehensive Plan; Niskayuna, NY

The Town of Niskayuna is soliciting proposals from qualified professional planning consultants for assistance with the completion of an implementable, action-oriented 10-year Comprehensive Plan update for the Town of Niskayuna, which is situated in Schenectady County, New York. A letter of interest along with a proposal and other required documents must be submitted to the email or mailing address listed above no later than February 13, 2024 at 3:00 PM. 

Full RFP can be found here.

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RFP: Town of Corinth Grant Writing Services

INTRODUCTION The Town of Corinth (“Town”) invites qualified candidates to submit proposals for contractual grant writing services. The Town is seeking to contract with an individual or firm that specializes in the management of the overall grant process and can assist the Town to maximize the benefits of grant funding. BACKGROUND It is the intention of the Town to apply for grants which Town needs associated with the following areas: community/economic development, infrastructure, capital improvements, parks and recreation, emergency services, etc. In addition, it is the intent of the Town to apply for grants which not only are consistent with identified Town needs but those grants that can be properly and efficiently administered by staff considering existing duties and responsibilities. The goal of the Town’s overall grant pursuit program is to leverage the maximum funding from federal and state programs and privately funded programs and/or endowments while minimizing the use of Town funds which are derived from local tax dollars. Proposal Conditions and Information Proposals must be received by the Town of Corinth by 5:00 p.m. on February 23, 2024. Proposals received after the specified time and date will not be considered. The Town highly encourages early submission of proposals.

For full details and submittal, please click here.

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RFQ: New York State Mobility Planning; Albany, NY

We are pleased to announce that NYSERDA has launched the New York State Mobility Planning Consultant Pool (RFQL 5625). NYSERDA is looking to retain multiple contractors to establish a pool of mobility planning consultants. These consultants will provide objective technical services to help local communities explore new clean transportation options and develop plans for potential implementation as part of an upcoming Clean Mobility Program or other future opportunities. The consultants must demonstrate experience in, and a thorough understanding of, clean transportation services delivery to local governments, transit operators, community-based organizations, and local employers in New York State.

Consultants should demonstrate expertise in all of the following support areas:

  1. General Transportation Planning and Design

  2. Community Engagement and Needs Assessment

  3. Project Design and Technical Expertise

  4. Policy and Regulatory Analysis

Teaming arrangements are allowed, and encouraged, if an applicant is unable to provide support in all support areas on its own.

We encourage your participation in this latest funding opportunity and look forward to receiving your proposals.

Round 1 RFQL Due Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024 by 3:00 p.m. E.T.

For Additional Details and Associated Documents Visit:
RFQL 5625 Solicitation Detail Page

Have Questions or Want to Learn More?
We are here to help you throughout the entire application process. Please direct any questions to transit@nyserda.ny.gov.

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RFP: Fire/EMS Facility; Lakewood, NY

Project Description: The Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakewood is seeking a qualified professional consultant to conduct a review and evaluation of current Fire/EMS facility, make a building conditions assessment, and assess potential options for expanding the current space, including updates to existing systems and any other features in compliance with NYS and Federal recommendations, mandates and law, and provide initial design and architectural services. The consultant must be qualified and experienced in Fire/EMS operations requirements and facilities planning and design, and to prepare and present a Feasibility Study and Plan to the Board of Trustees. 

Submission: All proposals must be made by electronic submission to the Clerk/Treasurer of the Village of Lakewood via email to: troutman@lakewoodny.com All proposals must be received by 3:00 PM Local Time on Friday, February 2, 2024. No proposal received after 3PM will be accepted. 

Review Process: Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the village Project Task Force who will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board of the Village of Lakewood will determine the applicant deemed, in its sole discretion, to be best experienced and qualified in Fire/EMS facilities planning, and award in compliance with all applicable village policy and NYS and Federal law. The Village of Lakewood reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. 

Schedule: Once awarded the consultant shall immediately commence work on the proposal. A proposed timeline outlining each phase of the work proposed, the estimated date that each phase may be expected to be completed, and an estimate of substantial completion is desired. 

For full RFP, click here.

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RFQ: Comprehensive Plan; Ulysses, NY

The Town of Ulysses, New York is soliciting a qualified consultant from a multidisciplinary consulting firm to assist in the development of the 2025-2045 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and associated Environmental Impact Statement. Submission deadline is Friday, March 8th.

Please see the following link for more information: https://www.townofulyssesny.gov/pages/ulysses2045/rfq/

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RFP: Development Strategy for Fulton County

Fulton County does hereby invite the submission of a proposal from to prepare a Fulton County Development Strategy. 

Five (5) copies of the proposal prepared in accordance with this Request for Proposal shall be submitted in an sealed envelope with "Fulton County Development Strategy" clearly marked on the outside of the envelope by 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 21, 2024 to:





(518) 736-5540 

Fulton County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or any portion thereof. 

All questions regarding this Request for Proposal shall be directed to:





(518) 736-5660 

FAX: (518) 762-4597 

EMAIL: shenze@fultoncountyny.go

Click here for full details.

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RFP: Brattleboro, VT

The Town of Brattleboro, VT is seeking a qualified Consultant to work closely with local and state partners in completing a safety study, corridor plan, and stormwater master planning process for Canal Street/Route 5. The study will explore and plan for a variety of improvements that will help this corridor be a catalyst for active transportation use, one that stitches back together an area heavily impacted by automobile-dominated transportation network design at the expense of livability and safety for residents. The Plan will have two primary focuses areas:

1.     Encouraging a high-quality public realm with active transportation facilities that users perceive as safe and convenient are demonstrably able to boost overall use of active transportation modes.

2.     Identify and integrate stormwater projects and improvements to manage stormwater flows, address problem sites, and improve water quality.

The Plan will include public engagement, develop numerous renderings to visualize the improvement plans, and provide preliminary cost-estimates, and safety-benefits data supporting the recommended safety improvements.

The RFP can be viewed at: https://brattleboro.gov/request-for-proposals-planning-consultant-services

Proposals are due Tuesday, January 30 at 4:30 pm.

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