RFP: Consultant for Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan Update for the Town of Red Hook
/The Town of Red Hook, NY (“Town”) is soliciting proposals for the services of a planning consultant or consultant team to develop an updated smart growth comprehensive plan. The project is being funded by a 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update Smart Growth Grant from New York State Department of State, Contract C1002678 (“DOS Grant”) in the amount of $99,900.
Proposals shall be submitted to:
Town Clerk
Town of Red Hook
7340 S. Broadway
Red Hook NY 12571
Proposals must be submitted in hard copy form, 2 copies, double sided to the extent practicable, together with a PDF copy on thumb drive.
Response Submission Deadline – 2:00 pm January 6, 2025
The Town of Red Hook and its Comprehensive Planning Committee will prepare an update to its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Town Law§ 272-a. The updated Comprehensive Plan will establish the objectives that the community wants to achieve, and will guide future sustainable growth within the municipality, enhance the local cultural identity, and protect natural and cultural local resources. The Town is committed to basing the updated Comprehensive Plan on a robust, inclusive and creative public engagement process, with the goal of ensuring that a diverse range of perspectives are represented in the plan and that Town residents are empowered to participate in the planning process.
The UB Office of Alumni Engagement is creating a special event bringing together graduates of the Master's in Urban Planning for brunch on April 12 - the first-ever reunion for planning alums!